Thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer, by Buddy Oliver

Father Buddy shared this with several church members during his ministry at Epiphany. Thanks to Jean Kerr for saving it all these years and making it available to us now.

I cannot say “Our” if my faith has no room for others.
I cannot say “Father” if I am not his child.
I cannot say “Who art in heaven” if all my pursuits are based in earthly desires.
I cannot say “Hallowed be thy name” if I am the only one in control.
I cannot say “Thy Kingdom come” if I am unwilling to receive his kingdom.
I cannot say “Thy will be done” if everything has to be my way.
I cannot say “On Earth as it is in Heaven” unless I am willing to give myself to his service.
I cannot say “Give us this day our daily Bread” if I ignore the needs of others.
I cannot say “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” if I continue to harbor ill will against others.
I cannot say “Lead us not into temptation” if I choose to remain in sin.
I cannot say “Deliver us from Evil” if I choose to follow its path.
I cannot say “Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the Glory” if I live in fear.
I cannot say “Forever” if I remain anxious about today.
and I cannot say “Amen” unless I honestly say “Cost what it may, this is my prayer.”

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