Schedule for January

Father Arnold has sent out to the membership this summary of events during January:

E- Epistle from Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, Tallassee, AL
1st Week of Season of the Epiphany, from the Rev. Arnold Bush, Pastor

God’s Peace and Power during this Season of Epiphany! This is my first Season of Epiphany (Jan.6-Feb. 19,2012) as your Priest in Charge. Please consider this E-Epistle in first week of Epiphany as an official notification of the following events and news:

JANUARY 15, Second Sunday after the Epiphany, BLESSING OF PETS AND CONTEMPORARY MUSIC …Here is our schedule:
9:30 am Adult Forum, Prayer Book Disciplines that Transform & BCP Expectations
10:30 am Eucharist, Caleb Hart on piano and Tom Bray on guitar will lead us in the singing of all Contemporary Songs and Hymns. Sermon: “Habits that Hurt and Help us”
11:45 am Refreshments while some return home to bring back their pets
12:15 am Blessing of Pets, in a large circle between Church and Parish Hall

THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 6:30 PM BISHOP SLOAN HERE FOR ANNUAL VISITATION…will celebrate Holy Eucharist with Sermon, Blessing of Oils, and Communion. A soup supper with bread will follow. Short meeting with Vestry. Please join your fellow Episcopalians in greeting and meeting the new 11th Bishop of AL.

JANUARY 22, Third Sunday after the Epiphany, 9:30 am Adult Forum and 10:30 am Eucharist with theme of “Understanding of Christian Healing and Health” using Propers for Sacrament of Holy Unction (Healing), James 5:14-16;Psalm 23; Mark 6:7:12-13, BCP,453 following.

ANNUAL MEETING OF CONGREGATION elect new vestry members and delegates to Diocesan Convention, February 17 and 18, Huntsville, AL following the 10:30 am Eucharist. Canons require a two week notification for any meeting of the congregation.

JANUARY 29, Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, 9:30 and 10:30 am, “Best Practices for Wellness and Preventive Behaviors”, guest speakers

FEBRUARY 5, Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, 9:30 and 10:30 am, “Souper Bowl Sunday” , Bring 2 cans of soup wrapped in $ bills for Beans and Rice Ministry. Theme: “Joining the Lord’s Team”.

Pastoral Care and concerns: Lynda Denton, Dot Harris, Pam Stewart all at home recovering. Keep them in your prayers for healing and wholeness.

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