Christmas Letter from Father Arnold

Father Arnold asked us to share this with the congregation today:

E-Epistle from Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, Tallassee, AL
From the Rev. Arnold A. Bush, Pastor

Greetings in the name of the Messiah, Jesus, to all of you a few days before we celebrate His birth. I am asking Kathy Haynie and Ann Easley to send this out on their e-mail addresses because the office computer address book is incomplete.

CHRISTMAS EVE FESTIVE EUCHARIST. 6:30 PM, Saturday, Dec. 25. On this Christmas Eve or Day emulate the Shepherds of Bethlehem and the Wise Men from the East who traveled to worship the Christ Child. The program/bulletin will be user friendly including all the Prayer Book texts except the Christmas Carols in the hymnal. Worshiping in the CHRIST-MASS often sanctifies and gives deeper meaning to all our Christmas festivities and events.

I encourage you to invite and bring any friends or relatives on Christmas Eve. Also, invite them to our Guests’ Sunday Instructed Eucharist on Sunday, January 8 at 10:30 am as we celebrate the Season of Epiphany.

THE GREENING OF THE CHURCH. Al Cantrell and Betty Weldon encourage anyone to assist them in decorating the church and grounds on Thursday, December 22 at 2:00 PM. Does anyone want to “wrap” three trees with a string of white lights in front of the Parish House?

PASTORAL NEEDS AND PRAYERS. Pam Stewart facing surgery tomorrow. John Haynie will be delivering the Angel Tree Gifts to the “adopted” family on behalf of Christ and our congregation. Pam coordinated this helpful ministry. Also, remember Lynda Denton in your prayers for healing as she recovers from last week’s surgery.

BEANS AND RICE OUTREACH MINISTRY. Betty Weldon reported that 28 families were given in the name of Christ “Christmas sacks with food and Beans and Rice” on Saturday, December 17. Many expressed their thanks for Epiphany Church being an answer to their prayers.

CHRISTMAS OFFERING. The vestry approved earmarking your Christmas Offering for poinsettias’ and Pew Bibles ($11.00) for Parish House and Church. This notice was in the “Packet” received early this week. Bibles can be given in memory of someone or in thanksgiving so designated inside the cover.

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