Assorted News

First Thursday. We’re moving First Wednesday! Effective this month, it’ll be First Thursday. Plan to bring a covered dish and be with us Thursday, October 6 at 6:30 pm in the Little House. We should be finished by 8:00 pm.

Yard Sale. The church will hold a yard sale November 5 from 7:00-11:00 am. Bring your contributions of books, household goods, cookware, tools, furniture, and clothes by October 30 and leave them in the Little House.

United Thank Offering. As we did last year, Epiphany will participate in the United Thank Offering. The purpose of UTO is for each of us to give in thankfulness for the everyday blessings of life to provide blessings for others. Pick up one of the Little Blue Boxes in the narthex, then offer prayers of thanksgiving and drop coins in it and return it to the church on or before November 6.

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