Our church governance rests with the Vestry. The role of the Vestry in Episcopal Church of the Epiphany (or for that matter, in any Episcopal parish) is a dual one. First, there is a set of responsibilities set by the Alabama Diocese in Section V of its Policy Manual, things like stewardship of the church’s money and property, personnel management and oversight, and program development. The second set of responsibilities is at once more complex, more challenging, and harder to define. The Vestry is to help the parish discern God’s vision for our ministry, to articulate that vision, and to hold us accountable as a body in our pursuit of that vision. It is this second set of responsibilities that makes it so crucial that we members of the parish support each Vestry member with our prayer and our support. They carry an awesome burden, and we are grateful to them for their service.
In addition to the Vestry, we have a building committee consisting of Mike Harber, Mike Rallo, Jimmy Weldon, Amanda Borden, and Cathy Jones. The building committee will oversee the planning, design, and (perhaps) construction of our new parish hall.