Thanks for volunteering to be a Lay Reader/LEM at the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany. Here’s a description of the duties we ask you to perform.
Arrive at the church at 10:20 am and check in with the ushers so they know you have arrived and are ready to serve. Look for your copy of the script (specially prepared each week for you and the priest). Usually, the LEM/lay reader’s copy of the script will be on the rail in front of the first pew on the left hand side of the nave.
Take your seat in the nave and read over the scriptures you will be sharing. If you encounter a word that seems hard to pronounce, by all means ask for help. However, if you don’t have time to get help, remember this: if you don’t know how to pronounce it, chances are there is more than one “correct” pronunciation of it. So the best course is simply to make your best guess and practice saying it a few times so that when you read it, you won’t have to slow down or stumble over it.
When the time comes for you to read the lessons, walk to the pulpit to read. When you introduce a scripture, the customary way to introduce it is to say something like “The Old Testament lesson is from Genesis” or “The epistle lesson is from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians.” It’s not necessary to state the chapter or verses. The script should remind you, but even if it doesn’t please pause after the Old Testament reading and the Epistle readings before the customary “The Word of the Lord.” Also pause briefly after the reading from the psalm.
After the sermon and the recitation of the creed is concluded, return to the pulpit for the Prayers of the People. After the priest announces the offertory, return to the chancel a third time to retrieve one or two baskets under the credence table to the right of the altar and give them to the usher(s). While the usher(s) are collecting the offering, your main job is to stay out of the way so the priest can prepare the altar for the Eucharistic Prayer. When the usher(s) finish the collection, they will bring the basket(s) forward. Meet them at the front of the chancel, take the basket(s), and place them on the altar so the priest can reach them easily. Return to your position to the congregation’s right.
During the Eucharistic Prayer, stand to the congregation’s right of the altar. After the Fraction Anthem, the priest will consume the elements, then you approach the altar with your hands open to accept the elements. Remove your mask long enough to consume the elements, then follow the priest to the front of the chancel. The priest will stand on the same level as the congregation. You stand behind and offer the cup for intinction. As each person dips their wafer in the wine, say these words: “The blood of Christ, the cup of salvation.”
When the last person has come forward, the priest will decide if someone seated in the congregation needs the elements of Holy Communion brought to them. If he heads toward them, simply follow with the cup and be ready to help the priest serve them. Follow the priest back to the altar and hand the priest the cup. When you have done this, your duties as lay reader/LEM are concluded.
Thank you for volunteering!