Election of New Vestry Members

Father Arnold e-mailed this message to the congregation yesterday:

To: Congregation of Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, Tallassee
From: The Rev. Arnold A. Bush, Priest in Charge
Date: Monday, November 5, 2012
Subject: Official announcement of Annual Meeting of the Congregation, Sunday, November 18, 2012
At the monthly vestry meeting, Sunday, November 4, decided to have the

Annual Meeting of the Congregation
Sunday, November 16, 2012
At 11:45 am in the Parish Hall
Lunch will be served following or during the meeting

Schedule for 25th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 28B)
9:30 am Eucharist and Sermon (highlights of written report from the vestry) followed by refreshments
10: 40 am Adult Class in the Parish Hall
11:45 am Call to order of Annual Meeting with Prayer and a Hymn
(1) Minutes of last Annual Meeting
(2) Nomination of three vestry positions and elections
(Nominations will be announced, November 11). If you believe in democracy, where voting influences the future, then show up to cast your vote)
(3) Canon 8, Section 3 “Parish Meeting” “Require a written report from the work of the vestry for the past year; a financial report and the proposed program for the following year”. A excel spread sheet from Long Range Planning in August/September will be presented plus “brain storming” on a Master Site Plan for our 5.57 acres at 2602 on Gilmer Avenue.
(4) Reminders: Bring a side dish for the luncheon; welcome our newly confirmed members; wear a name tag; rejoice how the Holy Spirit has manifested himself to us; Bishop Marray said,” Think what ministries may be on this campus in next 12 years or 2030; and we welcome friends of Epiphany to come to this “non-boring” meeting; let us step into the future with confidence and faith in Christ who is alive and well.

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