Supply Priests for July and August

Jimmy and Betty Weldon have been working hard as usual to line up our supply priests. As we’ve all discussed, our main focus during the remainder of the summer is to get to know The Rev Dr Wells Warren better and to let him get to know us. Toward that end, Jimmy and Betty have scheduled Father Wells for three Sundays each during July and August. Our hope is that during this period Father Wells and all of us will be in prayerful discernment about whether he should become our permanent part-time priest. The search committee will be spending time with him, of course, but we hope that all the Epiphany folk will spend time with him as well. Take him to lunch; chat with him; find out what kind of man he is and what makes him tick, and let him find out the same things about you.

Here’s our schedule:


  • July 7 – Father Wells
  • July 14 – Father Wells
  • July 21 – The Rev Ben Alford
  • July 28 – Father Wells


  • August 4 – Father Wells
  • August 11 – Father Wells
  • August 18 – Father Wells
  • August 25 – Open
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